1 Challenge Description

This month, the challenge is to test your design design skills and rebrand this graph:

2 Setup

2.1 Load Libraries

#function to check if packages are installed, if not then install them, and load all packages
libraries <- function(packages){
  for(package in packages){
    #checks if package is installed
    if(!require(package, character.only = TRUE)){
      #If package does not exist, then it will install
      install.packages(package, dependencies = TRUE)
      #Loads package
      library(package, character.only = TRUE)

packages <- c("tidyverse","readxl","lubridate","showtext","cowplot","grid","png")


2.2 Import Data

df <- read_excel("C:/Users/Cat/Google Drive/Data Analysis/SWD Challenges/06-2019/SWDchallenge_June19.xlsx", range="C6:Z7")

3 View Data

## Observations: 1
## Variables: 24
## $ J...1  <dbl> 1.61
## $ F...2  <dbl> 1.626
## $ M...3  <dbl> 1.742
## $ A...4  <dbl> 1.686
## $ M...5  <dbl> 1.798
## $ J...6  <dbl> 1.871
## $ J...7  <dbl> 1.54
## $ A...8  <dbl> 1.56
## $ S...9  <dbl> 1.61
## $ O...10 <dbl> 1.57
## $ N...11 <dbl> 1.59
## $ D...12 <dbl> 1.61
## $ J...13 <dbl> 1.58
## $ F...14 <dbl> 1.8
## $ M...15 <dbl> 1.894
## $ A...16 <dbl> 1.914
## $ M...17 <dbl> 1.967
## $ J...18 <dbl> 2.008
## $ J...19 <dbl> 2.06824
## $ A...20 <dbl> 2.109655
## $ S...21 <dbl> 2.172945
## $ O...22 <dbl> 2.238133
## $ N...23 <dbl> 2.305277
## $ D...24 <dbl> 2.374435
## # A tibble: 1 x 24
##   J...1 F...2 M...3 A...4 M...5 J...6 J...7 A...8 S...9 O...10 N...11
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1  1.61  1.63  1.74  1.69  1.80  1.87  1.54  1.56  1.61   1.57   1.59
## # ... with 13 more variables: D...12 <dbl>, J...13 <dbl>, F...14 <dbl>,
## #   M...15 <dbl>, A...16 <dbl>, M...17 <dbl>, J...18 <dbl>, J...19 <dbl>,
## #   A...20 <dbl>, S...21 <dbl>, O...22 <dbl>, N...23 <dbl>, D...24 <dbl>

4 Data Cleaning

df <- df %>% gather(date, sales, c(1:24))

df <- df %>% mutate(date = seq(as.Date("2018/1/1"),as.Date("2019/12/1"),"month"),
                    month = month(date, label=TRUE),
                    month = str_sub(month,1,1) %>% as.factor())

5 Branding

All branding information came from https://www.washington.edu/brand/.

The main branding elements were custom fonts and colors as well as the University of Washington logo.

font_add(family="EncodeSansNormal", regular="C:/Users/Cat/Google Drive/Data Analysis/SWD Challenges/06-2019/EncodeSansNormal-900-Black.ttf")

font_add_google(name="Open Sans", family="OpenSans")


logo <- readPNG("C:/Users/Cat/Google Drive/Data Analysis/SWD Challenges/06-2019/UW_logo.png")

6 Visualization

uw <- df %>% ggplot(aes(date, sales)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=as.Date("2019-01-01"), alpha=0.15)+
  geom_line(data=subset(df,date < as.Date("2019-07-01")), color="#4b2e83", size=2)+
  geom_ribbon(data=subset(df,date > as.Date("2019-05-01")), ymin=-1, ymax=4, fill="#F5F5F5")+
  geom_line(data=subset(df,date > as.Date("2019-05-01")), color="#4b2e83", size=2, linetype=2)+
  geom_point(data=subset(df,month=="J" & date < as.Date("2019-07-01") | date=="2019-12-01"), 
             color="#b7a57a", size=3.5)+
  annotate("text", label="2018", x=as.Date("2018-06-15"), y=0, color="#4b2e83")+
  annotate("text", label="2019", x=as.Date("2019-07-15"), y=0, color="#4b2e83")+
  annotation_custom(rasterGrob(logo, interpolate=TRUE, width=unit(3,"inches"), vjust=-3.5))+
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,3.5), breaks=c(0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5))+
  scale_x_date(breaks=df$date, labels=format(df$date,"%b"))+
  labs(title="MARKET SIZE OVER TIME", y="Sales ($B)",
       caption="Forecast provided by ABC consultants, based on data through June 2019; assumes no major market changes")+
  theme(text=element_text(family="EncodeSansNormal", color="#4b2e83"),
        axis.text=element_text(color = "#85754d", family="OpenSans"),

img <- axis_canvas(uw, axis='y') +
  draw_image("C:/Users/Cat/Google Drive/Data Analysis/SWD Challenges/06-2019/purple_bar.png", interpolate=TRUE, x=-.335, y=-8, scale=9.5)

sub <- add_sub(uw, "*Disclaimer: This is fake data for an illustrative branding exercise", size=8)

ggdraw(insert_xaxis_grob(sub, img, unit(0.01, "null"), position="top"))