1 Project Description

Tidy Tuesday has a weekly data project aimed at the R ecosystem. An emphasis is placed on understanding how to summarize and arrange data to make meaningful charts with ggplot2, tidyr, dplyr, and other tools in the tidyverse ecosystem.

2 Dataset

Data came from FAA. The data consists of voluntarily reported airplane wildlife strikes since 1990. The data was pre-filtered to include only the major airlines in the USA: American Airlines, Delta, Southwest, and United. The information obtained may include date, time, location, animal species, type of damage, weather conditions, airplane information, and repair costs.

3 Setup

3.1 Load Libraries

if (!require("ggradar")) devtools::install_github("ricardo-bion/ggradar", dependencies = TRUE)

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")


3.2 Import Data

df <- fread("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2019/2019-07-23/wildlife_impacts.csv", stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

#remove duplicate rows
df <- df %>% distinct()

4 Data Wrangling & Analysis

  • There are 56,449 observations and 21 variables.

4.1 View Data

## Observations: 56,449
## Variables: 21
## $ incident_date         <fct> 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z, 2018-12-29T00:00:0...
## $ state                 <fct> FL, IN, N/A, N/A, N/A, FL, FL, N/A, N/A,...
## $ airport_id            <fct> KMIA, KIND, ZZZZ, ZZZZ, ZZZZ, KMIA, KMCO...
## $ airport               <fct> MIAMI INTL, INDIANAPOLIS INTL ARPT, UNKN...
## $ operator              <fct> AMERICAN AIRLINES, AMERICAN AIRLINES, AM...
## $ atype                 <fct> B-737-800, B-737-800, UNKNOWN, B-737-900...
## $ type_eng              <fct> D, D, NA, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, D, ...
## $ species_id            <fct> UNKBL, R, R2004, N5205, J2139, UNKB, UNK...
## $ species               <fct> Unknown bird - large, Owls, Short-eared ...
## $ damage                <fct> M?, N, NA, M?, M?, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, ...
## $ num_engs              <int> 2, 2, NA, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ...
## $ incident_month        <int> 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, ...
## $ incident_year         <int> 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2018...
## $ time_of_day           <fct> Day, Night, NA, NA, NA, Day, Night, NA, ...
## $ time                  <int> 1207, 2355, NA, NA, NA, 955, 948, NA, NA...
## $ height                <int> 700, 0, NA, NA, NA, NA, 600, NA, NA, 0, ...
## $ speed                 <int> 200, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 145, NA, NA, 13...
## $ phase_of_flt          <fct> Climb, Landing Roll, NA, NA, NA, Approac...
## $ sky                   <fct> Some Cloud, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, Some Clo...
## $ precip                <fct> None, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, None, NA, NA, ...
## $ cost_repairs_infl_adj <int> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ...
##           incident_date state airport_id                airport
## 1: 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z    FL       KMIA             MIAMI INTL
## 2: 2018-12-29T00:00:00Z    IN       KIND INDIANAPOLIS INTL ARPT
## 3: 2018-12-29T00:00:00Z   N/A       ZZZZ                UNKNOWN
## 4: 2018-12-27T00:00:00Z   N/A       ZZZZ                UNKNOWN
## 5: 2018-12-27T00:00:00Z   N/A       ZZZZ                UNKNOWN
## 6: 2018-12-27T00:00:00Z    FL       KMIA             MIAMI INTL
##             operator     atype type_eng species_id              species
## 1: AMERICAN AIRLINES B-737-800        D      UNKBL Unknown bird - large
## 2: AMERICAN AIRLINES B-737-800        D          R                 Owls
## 3: AMERICAN AIRLINES   UNKNOWN     <NA>      R2004      Short-eared owl
## 4: AMERICAN AIRLINES B-737-900        D      N5205     Southern lapwing
## 5: AMERICAN AIRLINES B-737-800        D      J2139         Lesser scaup
## 6: AMERICAN AIRLINES     A-319        D       UNKB         Unknown bird
##    damage num_engs incident_month incident_year time_of_day time height
## 1:     M?        2             12          2018         Day 1207    700
## 2:      N        2             12          2018       Night 2355      0
## 3:   <NA>       NA             12          2018        <NA>   NA     NA
## 4:     M?        2             12          2018        <NA>   NA     NA
## 5:     M?        2             12          2018        <NA>   NA     NA
## 6:      N        2             12          2018         Day  955     NA
##    speed phase_of_flt        sky precip cost_repairs_infl_adj
## 1:   200        Climb Some Cloud   None                    NA
## 2:    NA Landing Roll       <NA>   <NA>                    NA
## 3:    NA         <NA>       <NA>   <NA>                    NA
## 4:    NA         <NA>       <NA>   <NA>                    NA
## 5:    NA         <NA>       <NA>   <NA>                    NA
## 6:    NA     Approach       <NA>   <NA>                    NA
df %>% mutate_if(is.character, as.factor) %>% summary()
##               incident_date       state         airport_id   
##  2018-10-12T00:00:00Z:   56   N/A    :12168   ZZZZ   :10543  
##  2018-10-21T00:00:00Z:   39   TX     : 7143   KDFW   : 2453  
##  2018-09-29T00:00:00Z:   38   CA     : 5779   KDEN   : 2243  
##  2018-10-11T00:00:00Z:   38   FL     : 3685   KORD   : 1963  
##  2018-10-30T00:00:00Z:   38   IL     : 2739   KSMF   : 1651  
##  2017-10-16T00:00:00Z:   36   CO     : 2435   KMCO   : 1066  
##  (Other)             :56204   (Other):22500   (Other):36530  
##                         airport                    operator    
##  UNKNOWN                    :10543   AMERICAN AIRLINES :14874  
##  SACRAMENTO INTL            : 1651                             
##  ORLANDO INTL               : 1066                             
##  (Other)                    :36530                             
##        atype       type_eng       species_id   
##  B-737-700: 9911   A   :    2   UNKBM  :14943  
##  B-737-300: 7526   C   :   34   UNKBS  :14723  
##  B-737-800: 5225   D   :56178   UNKB   : 3939  
##  B-757-200: 4148   F   :    3   NE1    : 1504  
##  A-320    : 3685   NA's:  232   O2205  : 1339  
##  A-319    : 3018                YI005  : 1170  
##  (Other)  :22936                (Other):18831  
##                   species       damage         num_engs    
##  Unknown bird - medium:14943   M   : 1888   Min.   :1.000  
##  Unknown bird - small :14723   M?  : 1085   1st Qu.:2.000  
##  Unknown bird         : 3939   N   :48133   Median :2.000  
##  Gulls                : 1504   S   : 1026   Mean   :2.059  
##  Mourning dove        : 1339   NA's: 4317   3rd Qu.:2.000  
##  Barn swallow         : 1170                Max.   :4.000  
##  (Other)              :18831                NA's   :231    
##  incident_month  incident_year  time_of_day        time      
##  Min.   : 1.00   Min.   :1990   Dawn : 1269   Min.   : -84   
##  1st Qu.: 5.00   1st Qu.:2002   Day  :25113   1st Qu.: 930   
##  Median : 8.00   Median :2010   Dusk : 1717   Median :1426   
##  Mean   : 7.23   Mean   :2008   Night:12731   Mean   :1428   
##  3rd Qu.: 9.00   3rd Qu.:2015   NA's :15619   3rd Qu.:1950   
##  Max.   :12.00   Max.   :2018                 Max.   :2359   
##                                               NA's   :25607  
##      height            speed             phase_of_flt           sky       
##  Min.   :    0.0   Min.   :  0.0   Approach    :20592   No Cloud  :18926  
##  1st Qu.:    0.0   1st Qu.:130.0   Take-off run: 8226   Overcast  : 5445  
##  Median :   50.0   Median :140.0   Climb       : 7656   Some Cloud:12102  
##  Mean   :  984.2   Mean   :154.6   Landing Roll: 7240   NA's      :19976  
##  3rd Qu.: 1000.0   3rd Qu.:170.0   Descent     :  661                     
##  Max.   :25000.0   Max.   :354.0   (Other)     : 1110                     
##  NA's   :17526     NA's   :29522   NA's        :10964                     
##        precip      cost_repairs_infl_adj
##  None     :32922   Min.   :      11     
##  Rain     : 1686   1st Qu.:    5128     
##  Fog      :  587   Median :   26783     
##  Snow     :   85   Mean   :  242388     
##  Fog, Rain:   58   3rd Qu.:   93124     
##  (Other)  :    8   Max.   :16380000     
##  NA's     :21103   NA's   :55834
sapply(df, function(x) n_distinct(x)) %>% sort()
##              operator                   sky              type_eng 
##                     4                     4                     5 
##                damage              num_engs           time_of_day 
##                     5                     5                     5 
##                precip        incident_month          phase_of_flt 
##                     8                    12                    25 
##         incident_year                 state                 atype 
##                    29                    59                    91 
##                 speed                height            airport_id 
##                   166                   340                   423 
##               airport               species            species_id 
##                   423                   527                   528 
## cost_repairs_infl_adj                  time         incident_date 
##                   529                  1331                  9880

4.2 Missing Values

View missing values in more detail.

#Visualize missing values
vis_miss(df, sort_miss=TRUE, warn_large_data = FALSE)

#see count of missing values
na_values <- function(df){
  na <- colSums(is.na(df)) %>% sort(decreasing=TRUE)

## cost_repairs_infl_adj                 speed                  time 
##                 55834                 29522                 25607 
##                precip                   sky                height 
##                 21103                 19976                 17526 
##           time_of_day          phase_of_flt                damage 
##                 15619                 10964                  4317 
##              type_eng              num_engs 
##                   232                   231

4.3 Data Wrangling

  • Dropped cost_repairs_infl_adj since the column is almost entirely missing.
  • Dropped incident_month and incident_year since the information is contained in incident_date field.
  • Cleaned up time by cross referencing to time_of_day and converting all times into military time.
  • Merged date and time into a single column.
#remove repair costs since there are too many missing values
df <- df %>% select(-cost_repairs_infl_adj,-incident_month,-incident_year)

#mutate date and time columns to join into a single column
df <- df %>% mutate(time = str_replace(time, "^\\d{1,2}$", paste0(time,"00")),
                    time = as.double(time),
                    time = case_when(time_of_day == "Night" & time < 1700 ~ time+1200,
                                     time_of_day == "Dusk" & time < 1200 ~ time+1200,
                                     is.na(time) ~ 0,
                                     TRUE ~ time),
                    time = str_pad(time, 4, side="left", pad="0"),
                    time = if_else(time_of_day == "Night" & time > 2400, 
                                   str_pad(time, 6, side="left", pad="0"), 
                                   str_pad(time, 6, side="right", pad="0")),
                    incident_date = str_sub(incident_date,1,10),
                    datetime = paste(incident_date,time),
                    #this will convert to date/time
                    datetime = as_datetime(datetime), 
                    #need to put it back to character in order to make proper NA replacement 
                    #it picks a random time instead of inserting 0s if this is not done
                    datetime = as.character(datetime), 
                    #replace NA values generated from illegal time formats
                    datetime = replace(datetime,is.na(datetime),incident_date[is.na(datetime)]),
                    #convert back to date/time
                    datetime = as_datetime(datetime)) %>%

#complete time_of_day based on time of year, day, and location
df <- df %>% mutate(month = month(datetime),
                    hour = hour(datetime)) %>% 
  group_by(month,hour,state) %>% 
  mutate(time_of_day = replace_na(time_of_day, mfv1(time_of_day, na.rm=T))) %>% 

na_values(df) #there are still 151 missing time_of_day values
##        speed       precip          sky       height phase_of_flt 
##        29522        21103        19976        17526        10964 
##       damage     type_eng     num_engs  time_of_day 
##         4317          232          231          151
#fill in values with educated guesses based on time of day
df <- df %>% mutate(time_of_day = as.character(time_of_day),
                    time_of_day = case_when(is.na(time_of_day) & hour > 5 & hour < 7 ~ "Dawn",
                                            is.na(time_of_day) & hour > 17 & hour < 19 ~ "Dusk",
                                            is.na(time_of_day) & hour >= 7 & hour <= 17 ~ "Day",
                                            is.na(time_of_day) & hour >=19 | hour <=5 ~ "Night",
                                            TRUE ~ time_of_day))
##        speed       precip          sky       height phase_of_flt 
##        29522        21103        19976        17526        10964 
##       damage     type_eng     num_engs 
##         4317          232          231
#make airport names more readable
df <- df %>% mutate(airport = str_replace_all(airport," ARPT| INTL",""),
                    airport = str_to_title(airport) %>% as.factor())

#clean phase_of_flt
df <- df %>% mutate(phase_of_flt = str_to_lower(phase_of_flt),
                    phase_of_flt = replace_na(phase_of_flt,"unknown"),
                    phase_of_flt = str_replace(phase_of_flt, "local", "unknown"),
                    phase_of_flt = as.factor(phase_of_flt),
                    phase_of_flt = fct_relevel(phase_of_flt, c("parked","taxi","take-off run","departure","climb","en route","descent","approach","landing roll","arrival","unknown")))

##       parked         taxi take-off run    departure        climb 
##           12           76         8264          470         7672 
##     en route      descent     approach landing roll      arrival 
##           81          661        20642         7278          190 
##      unknown 
##        11103

5 Visualizations

The first three visualizations are misleading because there is no information on number of total flights so per capita amounts cannot be established.

The FAA Color Scheme was used for these visualizations.

#this is misrepresenting the data because there are more day and night hours in a day 
df %>% ggplot(aes(time_of_day))+
  labs(title="What part of the day do most bird strikes happen?")

#this is misrepresenting the data because some times are more popular to fly than others
df %>% filter(hour != 0) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(hour, fill=time_of_day))+
  labs(title="What time of day do most bird strikes happen?")

#this could be misrepresenting the data because some airports are busier than others
df %>% filter(airport_id != "ZZZZ") %>% count(airport) %>% filter(n > 700) %>% mutate(airport = fct_reorder(airport,n)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(airport, n))+
  labs(title="Which airport has the most bird strikes?")

#final visualization
df_flt_phase <- df %>% filter(phase_of_flt != "unknown") %>% count(phase_of_flt)

df_flt_phase <- df_flt_phase %>% mutate_at(vars(n), rescale)

df_flt_phase %>% spread(phase_of_flt,n) %>% 
  ggradar(axis.label.size = 4,
          background.circle.colour = "#ffffff",
          values.radar = c("","",""),
          gridline.min.colour = "#b8860b",
          gridline.mid.colour = "#eedd82",
          gridline.max.colour = "#b8860b",
          axis.line.colour = "#008000",
          group.point.size = 4,
          group.colours = "#0f4d92",
          plot.title = "When is an airplane most likely to strike a bird?")+
  labs(caption = "Data: FAA Wildlife Strike Database | Graphic: Cat Williams @catrwilliams")+
  theme(legend.position = "none",
        plot.title = element_text(size=17, hjust=0.5, face="bold"),
        plot.caption = element_text(size=6))
